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Mother Cabrini Children's Book (Signed Book)

Mother Cabrini Children's Book (Signed Book)

SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR! LIMITED QUANTITIES Discover the world of Francesca Cabrini in this children’s book that not only educates kids about a remarkable person in American history, but inspires them with stories of her compassion, courage, vision, and miracles. Within these engaging pages, children will encounter characters much like themselves—little heroes who joined Cabrini in her mission to establish orphanages, hospitals, and schools across the United States, Central and Latin America, Europe, and beyond. Featuring the vibrant artwork of Richard Cowdrey, Cabrini's work comes to life on every page. Cowdrey is a New York Times bestselling children’s book illustrator, fine artist, author, speaker, and educator. Like Francesca Cabrini, author Claudia Cangilla McAdam is a five-foot-tall Italian American Catholic woman. Her award-winning books for children and teens invite them to explore virtues, build character, and deepen faith. Product Details: Hardcover Dimensions 10 x 8 in. Weight 16 oz.


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