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  • Two movie tickets to every Angel Studios theatrical release to use or give away.

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Angel Studios

The Axiom Chronicles | Angel Studios New Original

Join us this Tuesday at 8pm ET for the next big animated series The Axiom Chronicles. This amazing sci-fi animated series follows a group of rebels fighting for freedom of their planet against a growing tyrannical darkness. Joining us will be Luke Bolin, Producer and founder of the film studio Edison Creative as we dive into the world that is Axiom. We will be revealing the first trailer for the series! So mark your calendars and don’t miss out on the next Angel Studios Original, The Axiom Chronicles! Disclosure: The Axiom Chronicles is “testing the waters” to gauge investor interest in an offering of securities under Regulation Crowdfunding. No money or other consideration is being solicited, and, if sent, will not be accepted. No offer to buy the securities can be accepted and no part of the purchase price can be received until the offering statement is filed and only through an intermediary’s platform. A prospective purchaser’s indication of interest is non-binding.

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