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About the Film

His Only Son

Film synopsis

His Only Son is the first feature-length film chronicling one of the most controversial moments in all of scripture--when the Lord God gave Abraham the ultimate test by commanding him to sacrifice his only son, Isaac, on the mountain of Moriah. Answering age-old questions as to why the Lord would require such a sacrifice, His Only Son profoundly explores mankind's relationship to God and encourages viewers to turn inward and ask: Can your faith still stand when you are asked to give everything?

Release Date

March 31, 2023


David Helling


Michael Thomas Kaney II

Roman Medjanov

David Helling


David Helling


Angel Studios


Nicolas Mouawad

Nicolas Mouawad


Sara Seyed

Sara Seyed


Edaan Moskowitz

Edaan Moskowitz


Avatar Placeholder

Dan da Silva

The Lord

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