The Redemption of Henry Myers

The Redemption of Henry Myers Coming November 21st

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The Redemption of Henry Myers

Sinopsis de película

The Redemption of Henry Myers is a raw, gritty tale of second chances in a world where every decision could mean life or death. Henry’s journey isn’t just about escaping his past; it’s about finding redemption in a place where hope is as scarce as water. Can Henry find a way out of the life he's lived, or is he doomed to repeat his mistakes? With a relentless drive for survival and a mounting sense of urgency, Henry’s struggle to overcome his past becomes a fight for his very soul.

Fecha de estreno

10 de junio de 2014


Erin Bethea

Erin Bethea


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Jaden Roberts


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Ezra Proch


Beau Smith

Beau Smith


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