King of Kings

King of Kings In Theaters April 11th

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In Theaters April 11th

In Theaters April 11th

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The King of Kings

Sinopsis de película

A father tells his son the greatest story ever told, and what begins as a bedtime tale becomes a life-changing journey. Through vivid imagination, the boy walks alongside Jesus, witnessing His miracles, facing His trials, and understanding His ultimate sacrifice. The King of Kings invites us to rediscover the enduring power of hope, love, and redemption through the eyes of a child.

Fecha de publicación

11 de abril de 2025


Seong-Ho Jang

Productores ejecutivos

Dennis Won Kuk Cho

Jamie Thomason

David Fischer

Jared Geesey


Woo-hyung Kim


Seong-Ho Jang

Hoseok Sung


Pierce Brosnan

Pierce Brosnan

Pontius Pilate (Voice)

Oscar Isaac

Oscar Isaac

Jesus Christ (Voice)

Kenneth Branagh

Kenneth Branagh

Charles Dickens (Voice)

Mark Hamill

Mark Hamill

King Herod (Voice)

Ben Kingsley

Ben Kingsley

High Priest Caiaphas (Voice)

Forest Whitaker

Forest Whitaker

Peter (Voice)

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