Share Sound of Freedom, Track Your Progress
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Share Sound of Freedom, Track Your Progress

by Angel Studios | July 3, 2023

Thanks to your amazing support, we’ve surpassed our goal of #2MillionFor2Million tickets sold for Sound of Freedom!

We’re determined to get Sound of Freedom tickets to as many people as possible. With your help, we can achieve something extraordinary together!

2 Million for 2 Million

Why did we have a 2 million ticket goal? To symbolize our commitment to the estimated 2 million trafficked children around the world. This film is step one in spreading awareness. Once your eyes are opened to the horrific reality of human trafficking, then you can stand up and help make a change.

Share Your Progress, Track Our Goal

We launched a new feature allowing you to not only track how many tickets we've sold, but your personal contribution to Pay it Forward tickets here. (Look for the Share feature below the Pay it Forward, Buy Tickets, and Claim Free Tickets buttons.)

Image of Share Feature on Sound of Freedom Pay it Forward Page

Join us in getting the word out, and look for similar abilities for all future theatrical releases, including The Shift and Cabrini.

Thank you for helping build awareness!

Pay it Forward.
Your choice to Pay it Forward keeps Angel Studios free around the world.